தங்களின் செயல்பாடுகள்தான் ஈழத்தமிழர்களுக்கு நிரந்தர சமாதானத்தை கொண்டு வரும் : தமிழக முதல்வர் ஜெ.ஜெயலலிதாவுக்கு, அனைத்துலக ஈழத்தமிழர் மக்களவையின் இணைத்தலைவர் பேராசிரியர் சிறிரஞ்சன் வாழ்த்து!

 logolcetProfessor R. Sri Ranjan,Professor R. Sri Ranjan,

The Honourable ,
Government of Tamil Nadu
Chennai, Tamil Nadu,

Dear Madam,
The International Council of Eelam Tamils wishes to express our hearty congratulations to your Excellency and
the AIDMK Party for the unprecedented victory in the recently concluded elections. Your landslide victory
brings great hope to our people who bore the brunt of this millennia’s worst genocidal onslaught five years ago.
Your victory is welcome news to our kith and kin who are yearning for a change for the better.
We sincerely hope you will bring permanent peace to our people by facilitating the implementation of
the unanimously approved motion brought on by you “To hold a UN sponsored referendum to ascertain the
political aspirations of our people.” Eelam Tamils will never pose a threat to the security of India in general and
Tamil Nadu in particular and will in fact be a shield on the southern end.
Thanking you very much,

Yours sincerely,
Professor R. Sri Ranjan, Ph.D., P.Eng.,
Co-Chair, International Council of Eelam Tamils